Are You Fueling Your Young Athlete for Success?

Let’s talk about something crucial for athletes: nutrition. A lot of folks make nutrition really complicated when it really doesn’t need to be. We’ll keep it simple and practical, just like your athletes need it to be.

Step 1: Get Into the Habit of Eating

The first step is to establish a routine of regular eating. Athletes need fuel, and that means eating three meals a day – breakfast, lunch, and dinner – along with a snack… or three. Ideally, these meals are spread out throughout the day, but what’s important is that they’ve eaten at least 2, or better yet, 3 times before practice or a training session. It’s about consistency and building a habit.

Step 2: Focus on What to Eat

Now that we’ve got the routine down, let’s talk about what goes on the plate. We like to focus on three main things:

  • Proteins: These are essential for repairing and building muscles. Good sources include chicken, fish, eggs, lean cuts of beef, and dairy products like milk and yogurt.


  • Carbohydrates: These are your body’s primary source of energy.Foods like rice, potatoes, and beans are excellent choices. Pasta and breads are also convenient and can be great additions to your athlete’s diet.


  • Fruits and Vegetables: These are rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which support your athlete’s overall health and immunity. Encourage a colorful variety to ensure they receive a broad spectrum of nutrients.

Step 3: Timing is Next Level

When it comes to timing, think about what your athlete needs before and after their activities:

Before: About an hour before practice or a game, a small snack with a balance of carbohydrates and proteins can provide the necessary energy without feeling too full. Aim for around 20 grams of protein and 40 grams of carbohydrates.

After: After the exertion of practice or a game, focus on the 3 R’s: 

  • Repair with Protein
  • Refuel energy stores with carbohydrates
  • Rehydrate with water and electrolytes

All of these things can be included in a simple meal after training sessions. 

That’s it! No fuss, no frills, just simple nutrition tips to keep your young athletes fueled and ready to take on the world.

Remember, consistency is key, so start small and build up those healthy habits over time. Here’s to raising healthy, happy, and successful young athletes!

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