Parisi Jump Start Program

Proven to improve the fundamental athletic skills and self-esteem of athletes ages 7-12

One of the biggest takeaways throughout our 25+ years in business and training over 650,000 athletes is that the foundation of a child’s success in sports, but more importantly in life, hinges on their confidence and self-esteem.

One the best ways to boost their belief in themselves is through a structured, physical training program that focuses on work, fun and achievement. The Parisi Jump Start Program has been proven to improve the fundamental athletic skills and selfesteem of athletes ages 7-12, while reducing the risk of injury. Our Certified Parisi Performance Coaches are specifically trained to motivate and challenge the young athlete, while providing age-level safe and appropriate training techniques and corrections that set a foundation for good lifelong habits.

Jump Start is a must for any young person who wants to develop foundational athletic skills that will help them rise above their competition. By enrolling in Jump Start, athletes will learn how to improve their overall:

  • Coordination
  • Running Technique
  • Bodyweight Strength
  • First-Step Quickness
Flexibility Science has proven that ages 7 to 12 are the most critical years in a child’s life for motor skill development. 
Contact us today to get that “Jump Start” on the competition and improve self confidence at the same time.

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